frequently asked questions
What makes Bujinkan Tori different from Bujinkan (among other things)?
We all know about word Ninpo, every day someone mentions on facebook Ninpo, ninja, ninjutsu but not too many understand how important that word is. Ninpo consists of Nin and Po. Nin again consists of two characters blade and heart, looks like blade over heart, and that means you must endure, never give up, never quit, survive etc… but PO means LAW, SOMETHING WHAT CANNOT BE CHANGED. That’s very important to understand and very important for my answer.
So, Ninpo is something that must be done according to a certain law, to follow certain rules. In our case, Bujinkan ninjutsu case, these are the scrolls from which we learn, because of that Soke exists, someone who continues to respect that law and transfers that to the next generation, and Ninpo is something that is respected even protected by Ninjas and tactics that ninjas learn from that ryu ha (scrolls) – we call Ninjutsu.
Most important part here is PO. Usually other skills (martial arts) have the word Do – the way… Aikido, Judo, Kendo, Karate do, even Budo. We all know how we call Bujinkan today, Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, not Ninpo Taijutsu. When you change Po for Do ninjutsu dies. Because Do means way, there can be many ways, each person in Bujinkan – different way, but that’s not a Ninpo. Ninpo doesn’t support that, Ninpo doesn’t like that. Long time ago, each family had their own Ninpo and they respected that law, Bujinkan is like one family but there is no Ninpo any more in that family. People don’t respect those scrolls any more, they do whatever they want.
Bujinkan today is more like a Do and there is not a bit of Ninpo, actually, the amount of Ninpo that is respected today depends more on the person who trains in Bujinkan than on Bujinkan himself. In Bujinkan today everyone is good and everyone is right, whatever they are doing is cool, but that is not Ninpo. You cannot do whatever you want. Ninpo is one, not everyone can be right, there is one law, one Po, not a million ways (laws).
In my organization, Bujinkan Tori, we try to follow that law, the one and only. We learn Takamatsuden and in that 6 Ryu ha we have all the answers, it just needs to be researched enough. People who train long time in Bujinkan, Genbukan or Jinenkan they learn this program very fast.
Also, people who study Marishi Kai also learn Takamatsuden fast but now they understand everything much better. In Bujinkan today people have very slow progress and ranks are without any meaning according to knowledge.
What is our goal and why are we doing this?
I do this to save this program from oblivion, it’s number one for me. Program is big, people need time to learn all this but it’s possible, especially for someone who already train.
About my goal, I will try to explain like this…
Oldest style which we learn is Gyokko ryu, we have 6 ryu, but most important is Gyokko ryu, and center of Gyokko ryu is San Shin no kata, three hearts.
Right now, people in Bujinkan from that three hearts they learn only one, Go Gyo no kata, and even that in the wrong way.
Go Dai – we use first heart to learn how to defend our self in physical way, from outside.
Go Gyo – we use second heart to learn how to protect our self from the inside, because Go Gyo is more about meditation than about fighting.
Third heart is our heart, what we are as a person, bad or good, smart or stupid, with good or bad organizational skills, with or without charisma etc.
And then if we all follow that Ninpo, that law, that means we, from Bk Tori organization, are all doing the same. Someone knows a little bit more, someone less, someone knows better some Japanese words, but about techniques, about scrolls, about knowledge, tactics from Ninpo we are all doing same thing, same quality training of course, and if we all know first and second heart, which everyone can learn, then on the end will you have students or not, be successful or not, depends on you, depends on your third heart (what kind of person are you?).
That means only the best can be on top, if you are not nice guy, even if you have the knowledge, you will easily lose your students and you will disappear just as easy.
It used to be like that a long time ago, only the best were at top. In that manner, we develop Bujinkan ninjutsu and protect that law, and chose the best people to continue to keep this skill alive. Bujinkan today is not like that.
I really hope that people now understand a little bit better the mission of Bk Tori and why are people coming more and more to our organization.
What exactly is Takamatsuden?
This program was made from Densho, which Takamatsu inherited as the 33rd Soke. Densho is a written and drawn book or a scroll which includes the teaching and knowledge of a certain ryuha. In Japan it was used traditionally to pass down the traditions of a ryu from soke to soke. The scrolls were recorded by warriors who thus preserved the knowledge acquired on the battlefield. Only the best survived and left us the best knowledge through scrolls. The program was made in the late 60’s, early 70’s.
Although rumors are circulating that Takamatsu turned down Dr. Hatsumi’s request to make a program, he did it anyway. Takamatsu-den is the only authentic program made by the last living ninja. All other programs are made by people who did not have the experience that Takamatsu had and therefore do not have authenticity. Considered the last “combat Ninja” Toshitsugu was born to a family with roots in both the Ninja and the Samurai classes. As a child he was taught by masters of several ryus, becoming the only person to have completed training in all aspects of Ninjutsu. As a young man he gained notoriety when he single handedly stopped a small riot.
Takamatsu lived in China and Mongolia for 10 years and was named Moko No Tora (Mongolian tiger) because of his way of fighting. He played an active role in the martial arts community in China, and in 1914 he founded Shino, the Japanese Martial Arts Community. To survive, he taught martial arts during his stay in China, and also had many matches with the best masters of the time. Some of them were for life or death, and Takamatsu never lost a single fight. (You can find more info about this legend on the internet)
The background of Shihan Ned's training?
I trained with a lot of teachers over 10, basically I was just looking for the truth. I went to various seminars with known and unknown teachers. However, when I met David Holt at a seminar in Tivat, everything started to come together and gained a meaning that I had not seen in ninjutsu before. It has never been a problem for me if I see something better to start from scratch to learn, so this time too, the third time it was the Takamatsu-den program.
Twice a month, I traveled from Kragujevac to Budapest to train with Dave for almost seven years. Unfortunately, my teacher was ill and died four years ago. He shared his knowledge with the last atoms of his strength, and as a memory of him, I am sharing that program with the world today. I actually continued where he left off, I opened 10 new clubs, therefore expanding this program, and due to the current situation with the pandemic I started online trainings.
My advice to people who are already practicing ninjutsu is, never find it difficult to start from scratch, it is a sign that you truly love what you do and that the search for truth is ahead of your ego and personal interests. With this program, progress is very fast, and for people who have been in ninjutsu for a long time, it is even faster.
The difference between this program and other programs?
I often heard the sentence, “One man, one program”. Extremely wrong thinking when it comes to a warrior skill like ninjutsu. The program must be authentic, from the source. Everything that someone would create today, who has no experience from that time, can only be the wrong way.
Today’s programs are very limited and “poor”. They have a totally different view of Kihon Happo. Sanshino kata is obscure. Kamae and their understanding are almost non-existent, and the characteristics of the styles are not even mentioned. In the old program, all that is explained and the whole old program relies on a system of 5 elements that no one mentions today. Newer programs are confusing and complicated, the old program is clear, simple and made for practitioners to progress quickly.
Does the program cover both student and master ranks?
The shortest answer is yes.
Not only can you learn the authentic ninja program that Takamatsu passed on to the next generations, on this site you can also take the exam for each KYU and DAN rank.
For each rank there is a certain knowledge that must be mastered for both student and master ranks and these ranks range from 10 KYU to 10 DAN.
Through learning of the 5 elements and 6 fighting styles the program has perfect harmony.
Such a program does not exist in other organizations. Today, getting ranks in most martial arts is extremely commercialized, and there is no answer to the questions of what your topic was for a certain rank, or it is mostly the type that someone there thinks that someone there deserves that rank, which marginalizes the deeper study of this martial art.
This is not the case with us, and in the organization, who wants to become a part of it, there is order and discipline.
In any case, the answer is that you have complete knowledge in one place and a teacher who will follow your every step from student to master rank.
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